
Tag Technorati: {grup-tag},,
1337 (written in ASCII) - From the word Leet, derived from the word elite
2 - too, or to
4 - For
AFAICR/S/T - As far as I can recall / remember / see / tel
AFAIK - As far as I know
AFK - Away from keyboard
ANFSCD - And Now For Something Completely Different. Used to change the subject of conversation.
ASAP - As soon as possible
ASL - Age / sex / location
ATEOTD - At The End of the Day
ATM - At the moment
AWOL - Absent Without (Official) Leave
AYBABTU (also abbreviated as AYB) - All your base are belong to us (from the video game Zero Wing)

B2B - Business to Business
B& and/or B7- Banned
BBIAB - Be back in a bit
BBL/S - Be back later / shortly / soon
BCNU - Be seein' you
Blog - Also known as web log or an online journal
BOFH - bastard operator from hell
Bot - Any type of automated software in chatrooms and web-cataloging software
BRB - Be right back
BSOD - Blue Screen of Death
BTDT - Been there done that
BTW - By the way
Bump - Increment (For example, C's ++ operator.)or a backronym for "Bring Up My Post"
Crawl - To retrieve a web page along with the hyperlinks that reference it
Crapplet - A poorly written computer application
CU - See you (later)
CYA - See ya OR Cover Your Ass
Cyber (prefix) - A term used to connect the subsequent word loosely tothe world of computers or the Internet or sex over a computer
Cyberspace - Virtual reality, the Internet, the World Wide Web, andother kinds of computer systems. Science fiction author William Gibsonpopularized the term in his novel Neuromancer. Gibson used the word todescribe a virtual world of computer networks that his cyberpunk heroes'jacked into'
DFTT - Don't feed the trolls
DGAF - Don't Give A Fuck
DIAF - Die in a fire
DILLIGAF/D/S - Does it look like I give a flip / damn / shit
DND - Do not disturb
DOA - Dead on arrival. Refers to hardware that is broken on delivery.
EOF - End Of File
EOM - End of Message
EOL - End of Life. Device or hardware that is at the end of its product life cycle.
EQ - EverQuest
ETA - Estimated time of arrival
FAQ - Frequently Asked Question(s)
FFS - For Fuckin's sake
Flamer - Someone who makes inflammatory, abusive or directly offensivecomments. Similar to, but not quite the same as an Internet troll[3]
FMCDH - From My Cold Dead Hands
FOAD - Fuck off and die
FOAF - Friend of a friend
FTL - For the loss
FTW - For the win
FU - fuck you
FUBAR - fucked up beyond all recognition / repair (from military slang; pronounced "foo-bar")
FUD - Fear, Uncertainty and Doubt (the purposeful spread of misinformation)
FWIW - For what it's worth
FYI - For your information
GBTW - Get back to work
GF - Great/good fight/girlfriend
GFU - Good for you
GFY - Go fuckin yourself
GG - Good game, used at or near the conclusion of a gaming match
GJ - Good job, often used in online gaming when a teammate performs anact benefitting his team, such as killing an opponent or enabling thatkill
GMTA - Great minds think alike
Godwin's Law - Dictates that the longer a thread, the more likely someone will post a comparison involving Nazis or Hitler
Gratz - Congratulations
GTFO - Get the fuck out
GTG or G2G - 'Got to go' or 'Good to go'
GR -Good Race
GR8 - Great
HAND - Have A Nice Day
Handle - Name used in online chat, (AKA nick(name), alias, screen/user name)
HF - Have fun
Haxor or H4x0r (1337) - Hacker
Hit - A request made to the web server, (noun) the results of aninternet search, (verb) loading a Web page. Hits are not equivalent tovisitors of a webpage.
Home page - The website's introduction page, starting point, and guide. The technical term is "index"
Hot list - A collection of publicly available URLs (World Wide Web site addresses), sometimes available as text files.
HTH - Hope this / that helps
H8 - Hate
IANAL - I am not a lawyer
IBTL - In before the lock
IDC - I don't care
IDK - I don't know
IIRC - If I recall / remember correctly
IIUC - If I understand correctly
IMO/IMHO/IMNSHO/IMAO - In my (humble / honest / not so humble / arrogant) opinion
Information superhighway - The Internet (AKA: I-way, infobahn)
IONO - I don't know
IOW - In other words
IRC - Internet Relay Chat
IRL - In real life
ITYM - I Think You Mean
IWSN - I want sex now
IYKWIM - If you know what I mean
Jaggy - Aliased computer graphics
JK or j/k - Just kidding, or joke
JFGI - Just Fuckin/Freaking Google It
k or kk - OK
KISS - Keep it simple stupid.
KS(ing) - Kill-Steal(ing)
KOS - Kill on sight
KTHX - OK, thanks
KTHXBAI or KTHXBYE - OK, thanks, goodbye, used either to cut short a conversation or to express displeasure with being cut short
L2P - Learn to play; an admonishment to MMORPG players who are incompetent and/or whine
L8R - Later, L8R also sometimes abbreviated as L8ER is commonly used inchat rooms and other text based communications as a way of saying goodbye.
Lag - Slang term for slow Internet speeds or high Internet latency; Lagis sometimes due to a server problem, but more frequently due to theconnection between client and server. A slow or intermittent connectionmay often be referred to as laggy
Lamer - A know-nothing, one who is lame.
Leet - Often spelled as l33t or 1337 in ASCII form. It originally meant elite
LFG - Looking for group
LFM - Looking for more
LM(F)AO - Laughing my (frigging) ass off
LMIRL - Let's meet in real life.
LMK - Let me know
LOL - Laughing out loud, laugh out loud
LTNS - Long time no see
Lurker - Someone who frequents a Usenet group without participating in discussions
MMORPG, MMO - Massive Multi-player Online Role Playing Game
MMOFPS - Massive Multi-player Online First Person Shooter
MOTD - Message of the day
MS - MapleStory, an MMORPG
MTFBWY - May The Force be with you
MUD - Multi-User Dungeon
MUSH - Multi-User Shared Hallucination
MYOB - Mind your own business
M8 - Mate
NE1 - "Anyone"
NFI - "No Fuckin Idea"
Newbie, noob, or n00b - An inexperienced user of a system or game,or an annoying person.
NIFOC - Naked In Front Of Computer
NM - (Sometimes written N/M) Not much, Never mind or no message, usedon message boards or in e-mails to indicate that everything is alreadysaid in the subject line.
NP - No problem
NSFW - Not safe for work. Warning about content that may get the viewer in trouble with his employer or co-workers.
NVM, NVMD, or nm - Nevermind, not much
O RLY - Oh really?
OIC - Oh, I see
OFN - Old fuckin news
OMG - Oh my god
OMFG - Oh my fuckin god
OMW - On my way or Oh my word
OP - Original poster / Operator / Outpost
OS - Operating system
OT - Off topic
OOT - Out off topic
OTOH - On the other hand
OTP - On the phone or One true pairing
P2P - Peer to peer, or pay to play
PAW - Parents are watching
PEBKAC/PEBCAK - Problem exists between keyboard and chair
Ping - From the popular network monitoring tool, used as a greeting similar to "Are you there?".
PITA - Pain in the arse / ass
PLMK - Please let me know
PMSL - Pissing myself laughing
POS - Piece of ~censored~, or parent over shoulder.
POTS - Plain old telephone service
POV - Point of view
PPL - People
PTKFGS - Punch the Keys For God's Sake
pr0n - Intentional misspelling of porn
PW - Persistent World (gaming)
pwned - Intentional misspelling of owned
QFT - Quoted for truth. Used on internet message boards to show agreement from a previous message
Rehi (or merely re) - Hello again
RL - Real Life[3]
RO(T)FL - Rolling on (the) floor laughing
RO(T)FLMAO - Rolling on (the) floor laughing my ass off
RO(T)FLOL - Rolling on (the) floor laughing out loud
RSN - Real soon now (used sarcastically)
RTFB - Read the fuckin binary (or book)
RTFS - Read the fuckin source
RTFM/RTM - Read the (fuckin) manual
SCNR - Sorry, could not resist
sk8/sk8r - skate/skater
Smiley - Another name for emoticons
SMH - Shaking my head
SNAFU - Situation normal: all (fucked/[3]fouled) up
Snail mail - Normal paper mail service
SOHF - Sense of humor failure
Spider - The program behind a search engine
STFU - Shut the fuck up
STFW - Search the fuckin web
TANSTAAFL - There ain't no such thing as a free lunch
TBF - Time between failures
TBH - To be honest
TG - That's great
TGIF - Thank god it's Friday
TH(N)X, TNX or TX - Thanks
TIA - Thanks in advance
TINC - There Is No Cabal, a term discouraging conspiracy theories
TMI - Too much information
TOS - Terms of service
TTBOMK - To the best of my knowledge
TTFN - Ta ta for now
TTT - To the top, used in forums to bump a thread
TTYL - Talk to you later (also spelled TTUL, T2UL or T2YL)
TTYTT - To Tell You The Truth
Tweedler - One who has deep love for all computer related technology and gadgets
TWIMC - To Whom It May Concern
TY - Thank you
TYT - Take your time
TYVM - Thank you very much
U - You
UTFSE - Use the fuckin search engine
w00t, w00T or WOOT - First two express exuberance, the latter is a backronym for the term "We Own the Other Team".
W/ or W/O - With or without
WB - Welcome back
W/E - Whatever
WRT - With respect / regard to
WTB - Want to buy
WTF - What the fuck
WTG - Way to go
WTH - What the hell
WTS - Want to sell
WTT - Want to trade
WUG - What you got?
WoW - World of Warcraft (game)
WUBU2 - What (have) you been up to?
WUU2 - What (are) you up to?
WYSIWYG - What you see is what you get
W8 - Wait
YARLY - Yeah Really
YHBT - You have been trolled
YKW - You know what?
YMMV - Your mileage may vary.
YTMND - You're The Man Now, Dog
YW - You're welcome.
YOYO- You're On Your Own.
ZOMG - An intentional misspelling of the acronym shorthand for "Oh MyGod/Gawd" and pronounced "Zoh My God/Gawd" This version is mainly usedin jest or to ridicule people who use abbreviations like OMG and OMFG

Tag Technorati: {grup-tag},,
1337 (written in ASCII) - From the word Leet, derived from the word elite
2 - too, or to
4 - For
AFAICR/S/T - As far as I can recall / remember / see / tel
AFAIK - As far as I know
AFK - Away from keyboard
ANFSCD - And Now For Something Completely Different. Used to change the subject of conversation.
ASAP - As soon as possible
ASL - Age / sex / location
ATEOTD - At The End of the Day
ATM - At the moment
AWOL - Absent Without (Official) Leave
AYBABTU (also abbreviated as AYB) - All your base are belong to us (from the video game Zero Wing)

B2B - Business to Business
B& and/or B7- Banned
BBIAB - Be back in a bit
BBL/S - Be back later / shortly / soon
BCNU - Be seein' you
Blog - Also known as web log or an online journal
BOFH - bastard operator from hell
Bot - Any type of automated software in chatrooms and web-cataloging software
BRB - Be right back
BSOD - Blue Screen of Death
BTDT - Been there done that
BTW - By the way
Bump - Increment (For example, C's ++ operator.)or a backronym for "Bring Up My Post"
Crawl - To retrieve a web page along with the hyperlinks that reference it
Crapplet - A poorly written computer application
CU - See you (later)
CYA - See ya OR Cover Your Ass
Cyber (prefix) - A term used to connect the subsequent word loosely tothe world of computers or the Internet or sex over a computer
Cyberspace - Virtual reality, the Internet, the World Wide Web, andother kinds of computer systems. Science fiction author William Gibsonpopularized the term in his novel Neuromancer. Gibson used the word todescribe a virtual world of computer networks that his cyberpunk heroes'jacked into'
DFTT - Don't feed the trolls
DGAF - Don't Give A Fuck
DIAF - Die in a fire
DILLIGAF/D/S - Does it look like I give a flip / damn / shit
DND - Do not disturb
DOA - Dead on arrival. Refers to hardware that is broken on delivery.
EOF - End Of File
EOM - End of Message
EOL - End of Life. Device or hardware that is at the end of its product life cycle.
EQ - EverQuest
ETA - Estimated time of arrival
FAQ - Frequently Asked Question(s)
FFS - For Fuckin's sake
Flamer - Someone who makes inflammatory, abusive or directly offensivecomments. Similar to, but not quite the same as an Internet troll[3]
FMCDH - From My Cold Dead Hands
FOAD - Fuck off and die
FOAF - Friend of a friend
FTL - For the loss
FTW - For the win
FU - fuck you
FUBAR - fucked up beyond all recognition / repair (from military slang; pronounced "foo-bar")
FUD - Fear, Uncertainty and Doubt (the purposeful spread of misinformation)
FWIW - For what it's worth
FYI - For your information
GBTW - Get back to work
GF - Great/good fight/girlfriend
GFU - Good for you
GFY - Go fuckin yourself
GG - Good game, used at or near the conclusion of a gaming match
GJ - Good job, often used in online gaming when a teammate performs anact benefitting his team, such as killing an opponent or enabling thatkill
GMTA - Great minds think alike
Godwin's Law - Dictates that the longer a thread, the more likely someone will post a comparison involving Nazis or Hitler
Gratz - Congratulations
GTFO - Get the fuck out
GTG or G2G - 'Got to go' or 'Good to go'
GR -Good Race
GR8 - Great
HAND - Have A Nice Day
Handle - Name used in online chat, (AKA nick(name), alias, screen/user name)
HF - Have fun
Haxor or H4x0r (1337) - Hacker
Hit - A request made to the web server, (noun) the results of aninternet search, (verb) loading a Web page. Hits are not equivalent tovisitors of a webpage.
Home page - The website's introduction page, starting point, and guide. The technical term is "index"
Hot list - A collection of publicly available URLs (World Wide Web site addresses), sometimes available as text files.
HTH - Hope this / that helps
H8 - Hate
IANAL - I am not a lawyer
IBTL - In before the lock
IDC - I don't care
IDK - I don't know
IIRC - If I recall / remember correctly
IIUC - If I understand correctly
IMO/IMHO/IMNSHO/IMAO - In my (humble / honest / not so humble / arrogant) opinion
Information superhighway - The Internet (AKA: I-way, infobahn)
IONO - I don't know
IOW - In other words
IRC - Internet Relay Chat
IRL - In real life
ITYM - I Think You Mean
IWSN - I want sex now
IYKWIM - If you know what I mean
Jaggy - Aliased computer graphics
JK or j/k - Just kidding, or joke
JFGI - Just Fuckin/Freaking Google It
k or kk - OK
KISS - Keep it simple stupid.
KS(ing) - Kill-Steal(ing)
KOS - Kill on sight
KTHX - OK, thanks
KTHXBAI or KTHXBYE - OK, thanks, goodbye, used either to cut short a conversation or to express displeasure with being cut short
L2P - Learn to play; an admonishment to MMORPG players who are incompetent and/or whine
L8R - Later, L8R also sometimes abbreviated as L8ER is commonly used inchat rooms and other text based communications as a way of saying goodbye.
Lag - Slang term for slow Internet speeds or high Internet latency; Lagis sometimes due to a server problem, but more frequently due to theconnection between client and server. A slow or intermittent connectionmay often be referred to as laggy
Lamer - A know-nothing, one who is lame.
Leet - Often spelled as l33t or 1337 in ASCII form. It originally meant elite
LFG - Looking for group
LFM - Looking for more
LM(F)AO - Laughing my (frigging) ass off
LMIRL - Let's meet in real life.
LMK - Let me know
LOL - Laughing out loud, laugh out loud
LTNS - Long time no see
Lurker - Someone who frequents a Usenet group without participating in discussions
MMORPG, MMO - Massive Multi-player Online Role Playing Game
MMOFPS - Massive Multi-player Online First Person Shooter
MOTD - Message of the day
MS - MapleStory, an MMORPG
MTFBWY - May The Force be with you
MUD - Multi-User Dungeon
MUSH - Multi-User Shared Hallucination
MYOB - Mind your own business
M8 - Mate
NE1 - "Anyone"
NFI - "No Fuckin Idea"
Newbie, noob, or n00b - An inexperienced user of a system or game,or an annoying person.
NIFOC - Naked In Front Of Computer
NM - (Sometimes written N/M) Not much, Never mind or no message, usedon message boards or in e-mails to indicate that everything is alreadysaid in the subject line.
NP - No problem
NSFW - Not safe for work. Warning about content that may get the viewer in trouble with his employer or co-workers.
NVM, NVMD, or nm - Nevermind, not much
O RLY - Oh really?
OIC - Oh, I see
OFN - Old fuckin news
OMG - Oh my god
OMFG - Oh my fuckin god
OMW - On my way or Oh my word
OP - Original poster / Operator / Outpost
OS - Operating system
OT - Off topic
OOT - Out off topic
OTOH - On the other hand
OTP - On the phone or One true pairing
P2P - Peer to peer, or pay to play
PAW - Parents are watching
PEBKAC/PEBCAK - Problem exists between keyboard and chair
Ping - From the popular network monitoring tool, used as a greeting similar to "Are you there?".
PITA - Pain in the arse / ass
PLMK - Please let me know
PMSL - Pissing myself laughing
POS - Piece of ~censored~, or parent over shoulder.
POTS - Plain old telephone service
POV - Point of view
PPL - People
PTKFGS - Punch the Keys For God's Sake
pr0n - Intentional misspelling of porn
PW - Persistent World (gaming)
pwned - Intentional misspelling of owned
QFT - Quoted for truth. Used on internet message boards to show agreement from a previous message
Rehi (or merely re) - Hello again
RL - Real Life[3]
RO(T)FL - Rolling on (the) floor laughing
RO(T)FLMAO - Rolling on (the) floor laughing my ass off
RO(T)FLOL - Rolling on (the) floor laughing out loud
RSN - Real soon now (used sarcastically)
RTFB - Read the fuckin binary (or book)
RTFS - Read the fuckin source
RTFM/RTM - Read the (fuckin) manual
SCNR - Sorry, could not resist
sk8/sk8r - skate/skater
Smiley - Another name for emoticons
SMH - Shaking my head
SNAFU - Situation normal: all (fucked/[3]fouled) up
Snail mail - Normal paper mail service
SOHF - Sense of humor failure
Spider - The program behind a search engine
STFU - Shut the fuck up
STFW - Search the fuckin web
TANSTAAFL - There ain't no such thing as a free lunch
TBF - Time between failures
TBH - To be honest
TG - That's great
TGIF - Thank god it's Friday
TH(N)X, TNX or TX - Thanks
TIA - Thanks in advance
TINC - There Is No Cabal, a term discouraging conspiracy theories
TMI - Too much information
TOS - Terms of service
TTBOMK - To the best of my knowledge
TTFN - Ta ta for now
TTT - To the top, used in forums to bump a thread
TTYL - Talk to you later (also spelled TTUL, T2UL or T2YL)
TTYTT - To Tell You The Truth
Tweedler - One who has deep love for all computer related technology and gadgets
TWIMC - To Whom It May Concern
TY - Thank you
TYT - Take your time
TYVM - Thank you very much
U - You
UTFSE - Use the fuckin search engine
w00t, w00T or WOOT - First two express exuberance, the latter is a backronym for the term "We Own the Other Team".
W/ or W/O - With or without
WB - Welcome back
W/E - Whatever
WRT - With respect / regard to
WTB - Want to buy
WTF - What the fuck
WTG - Way to go
WTH - What the hell
WTS - Want to sell
WTT - Want to trade
WUG - What you got?
WoW - World of Warcraft (game)
WUBU2 - What (have) you been up to?
WUU2 - What (are) you up to?
WYSIWYG - What you see is what you get
W8 - Wait
YARLY - Yeah Really
YHBT - You have been trolled
YKW - You know what?
YMMV - Your mileage may vary.
YTMND - You're The Man Now, Dog
YW - You're welcome.
YOYO- You're On Your Own.
ZOMG - An intentional misspelling of the acronym shorthand for "Oh MyGod/Gawd" and pronounced "Zoh My God/Gawd" This version is mainly usedin jest or to ridicule people who use abbreviations like OMG and OMFG

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